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Downstreet Dance Studio
New to dance? New to West Coast Swing? Want to review from the beginning?
These drop-in classes cover the fundamental steps of West Coast Swing, starting from a walk. We will explore the structure, music, and core 6-count steps to get you moving to your favourite pop, blues, or 4/4 time music. (Classes repeat beginning the first Saturday of every month)
*Start on any week, and finish 4 classes later!*
Class designed that you can drop in at any time to start learning.
Prerequisite for the WCS Whip Intro and higher level classes.
1st Saturday - 6-count Left Side Pass
2nd Saturday - 6-count Push Break with and without Tuck Turn
3rd Saturday - 6-count Right Side Pass
4th Saturday 8-count WCS Whip Intro (Please sign up for this class here
Here's a bit of inspiration! (Right click and open in a new tab)
Amy has danced for over 40 years and brings her professional experience as a classical dancer to her social dance teaching. Her training in ballet, jazz, modern, and contemporary gives her deep knowledge and understanding of fundamental body movement, and fuels her passion for helping students to learn in a clear, accessible, and fun way. Amy is a founding member of DownStreet Dance and teaches a variety of styles.